
Instruxo Video

All the work I have done with Instuxo is posted on their website! It was wonderful working with Ralph!  He has a great vision for his company and a wonderfully supportive family.  I look forward to working with him again in the future!

I'm in a fashion show next week!

Next weekend I will be strutting my stuff on the runway at the Orlando Convention Center.  I am  working with the Southern Women's Show.  As of right now I will have three looks:  A yoga outfit, a shiny shirt dress, and an evening coat.  I'm working under Kimberly Dolson with WKMG Channel 6.  You should be able to view it online the same day or soon after.  I will try to post the video on my site as well.

Orlando Scene TV

This is my dream job!  This is a great project I work on with Ryan Price.  In Orlando Scene TV we explore entertainment options in Orlando for hip 20-somethings.  We find the restaurants, bars, and bands that are overshadowed by Disney and Universal Studios, but that add to the wonderful, eclectic opportunities Orlando has to offer.  I am a host and assistant producer on this project.  I make it my job to experience the events and environments for the viewers so they can feel excited and safe about trying new things in this area.

Approach to Public Speaking

When you are a public speaker you are a leader.  

You are the content provider.  You are the 'expert.'  Sometimes this is true only in that moment.  Somtimes this is true long before and after your presentation.  We associate leadership with specific physicality.  If content was the only thing that mattered your audience could read a book to gain the same information.  
