
Innovation and Mindfulness

“Mason Currey, after studying the habits of nearly 200 of the world’s most prolific inventors and innovators over the ages, found that the single common habit of these great inventors and innovators was walking. As Currey reports, Charles Dickens famously took 3-hour walks every afternoon—and what he observed on them fed directly into his writing.” 

Tech Week

Hello folks!


We are in tech week for our (The Towson University MFA Grads) thesis performances.  We are each presenting original theatrical compositions that build on our course of inquiry during our time in grad school.  I stared with an awareness of Ann Bogart, and have been also studying Robert Wilson and Ota Shogo.  Needless to say, my thesis performacne features ensemble performance and slow, abstract movement.  :-)


Here is a rehearsal video from two weeks ago.  More videos to come - we've made so much progress!